Anthropology Of Trauma and Healing

Live Lecture:
Live: Tuesdays 6pm-8pm Melbourne time
No recordings
Address: 92 Green St, Cremorne, Melbourne

Feel free to show up a few minutes early.

Online Lecture:
Live: Wednesdays 7pm-9pm Melbourne time
Recording Released seven hours after the lecture
ZOOM link TBA.

Online Tutorial:
(all live, not recorded):Thursdays 9am-10am Melbourne time

Optional Readings:
Are sent via email at the start of each week.

Week Topics:
Week 1 (8th/9th August): Trauma as Learning
Week 2 (8th/9th August): The Language of Trauma and Healing
Week 3 (8th/9th August): Trauma-Informed or Trauma-Compliant?
Week 4 (8th/9th August): Healing -Speaking to the Lizard Brain

Live Lecture:
Live: Tuesday 6pm-8pm Melbourne time. 
The four lectures for this course are two hours each (though we will end some early, depending on time and questions). The content of the in-person lecture is the same as the online lecture.
The Live lectures will be run from 6pm-8pm on Tuesday evenings at

92 Green St, Cremorne, Melbourne – a ten-minute walk from Richmond Station.

The lecture will be in a back and forward format with respectful discussion encouraged in real-time.

Online Lecture:
Live: Wednesday 7pm-9pm Melbourne time. 
The four lectures for this course are two hours each (though we will end some early, depending on time and questions). Online lectures will be run on Wednesdays 7-9 pm Australian time AEST (that’s 5 am NY time, 10 am London Time).

The Zoom link will be shared on the day of the lecture via email. We’ll reuse the same Zoom room throughout the series.The lecture will be followed up with a decompression session (tutorial), where we can discuss the material.

The content of the online lecture is the same as the in-person lecture.

Online Tutorial (all live, not recorded):
Live: After the digital lecture and on Thursday 9pm-10pm Melbourne time.
Tutorials are places where we talk about your ideas about the lectures and readings. They’re your chance to ask me questions in real-time or to see how everyone interacts with the many ideas we’ll be working with. These are geared to be friendly to international timezones. These sessions really help to digest information.
There are two sets for this course. One is directly after the online lecture. The other will be held at 9am Australian time the following day.


Readings will be shared via email and social media every Monday. This will be a mix of optional material – some scientific papers of book extracts, others press.

This course is paid on a Pay-As-You-Can basis. In week two and week four, you will be sent a prompt email to make a payment. This can be as much as you think the course is worth, or you can afford. I don’t want payment to be a barrier for lower-income people.

I am also aware that the course isn’t for everyone. I think this is the fairest way to establish value, and people have been really generous so far.
Consider the hours put into the material, the quality of the work and the value of what you learned and send me that much.

Some price suggestions:
50 bucks (Au or USD) – Thank you!100 bucks – This would be a huge help!
150 bucks – This allows me to put a little aside for software hosting for future courses
200+ bucks – This would make the course sustainable in the long term

To find out more and/or enroll check the intake dates on the course pages and email:


I’ll put you on the mailing list and we go from there.